Jewellery fashion and news

Discover with us the world of jewellery. We invite you to explore this wonderful world and these exceptional materials in this true online guide.

Jewellery beginner's guide and tips

From history to vocabulary, passing by the different types of jewellery, go without further delay to discover this art that has been perpetuated over the centuries…Nowadays, there is a wide variety of jewellery: costume jewellery accessible to a wide public, handmade jewellery by craftsmen as well as unique creations made with high quality materials. Develop your knowledge by browsing our website and become a true jewellery specialist.


Natural jewels: healing stones and lithotherapy

In today’s world, never seen before diseases appear and take millions of lives every year. Yet scientists and doctors are working hard to find the right cures for each disease. On the other hand, ordinary people find ways to cure certain diseases without going through modern medicine and what they have discovered has been proven effective with many patients A concrete example is health stones or lithotherapy, according to which a few stones are enough to heal! We recommend you visit France Minerals to uncover the secrets of natural stone jewellery and the lithotherapeutic virtues of many raw minerals.

Necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches, a multitude of options are available to you

The necklace

They dress your neck, sometimes even your bust and highlight your cleavage. They come in different lengths and can be worn in short or in long version. The necklace differs from the chain, which is often adorned with a pendant.

Bracelets and rings

Wearing it around the wrist, the bracelet is unanimously popular among women but also among men. In gold, silver or leather, there are many materials of which bracelets are made. The rings, on the other hand, are intended to decorate the fingers.

The earrings

Whether you have pierced ears or not, there are models of earrings suitable for you. The earrings are available in the shape of a nail for pierced ears or as a clip in the opposite case. Earrings can be made of various materials: gold, silver, precious or semi-precious stones etc.

Jewellery materials

The structure of jewellery is composed of metals, the most frequent in this field being gold, silver, vermeil or platinum. Alloys are common because the purity of the base metals is not total. Copper is therefore commonly found in the composition of jewellery, as well as nickel and manganese. This guide allows to know the materials, choose the stones but also to ask yourself all the questions that will lead you to acquire your dream jewel…


We provide you with all the necessary knowledge to help you buy the right diamond. Discover the world of diamonds, its history, legends and characteristics.

Precious stones

Precious stones

Precious stones have always fascinated people, as evidenced by their uses and exploitation mentioned in the oldest texts and drawings…


Beads of rockery but also faceted, wooden, glass or metal beads, you will soon realize that you have endless choices when it comes to pearls…

Jewellery style

Jewellery is often associated with women, which means that its use is still not widespread among men. However, a piece of jewellery may be the only thing missing from your outfit to enhance it. In addition, it is a trendy accessory that affirms your personality and social status.

Usually made by professional designers, jewellery has the advantage of being unique and allows you to stand out.

But what type of jewelry is best suited for your style? What is the best material to use? Where to find the best jewellery that will add the final touch to your look? These are the questions we will be answering in this guide!